
Introduction On My Notetaking & Writing Setup

Being an early adopter of tools, one field that I cannot stop trying is the note-taking apps. The spectrum of note-taking apps has expanded quickly over the past 5 years.

What I’m using now:

For writing, I am using Craft. Even at free tier, Craft already support cross-platform sync. Even it's heavily leaning to Apple's ecosystem, Craft does not use iCloud Sync, which means it's faster and better. Launched in 2020 Nov, XX described it has the most sophisticated v1.0 launch ever, for the past year, Tables, XX and even web app version is in beta. This is monumental for users like me who wrote on multiple devices.

Craft’s editor reminds me of Quip (acquired by Salesforce). There are influences from Notion but less complicated & powerful than it.

I have become subscribed user only in 2021 Nov.

Writing Experience: 👍️👍️👍️👍️👍️

Collecting Inspirations: 👍️

Cross Platform Experience: 👍️👍️👍️👍️

Inter-notes Discoverability: 👍️👍️

Community & Extension Support:👍️👍️👍️

For note-taking & archiving, I am using Evernote. I have been using Evernote for more than 10 years, and I'm even on discontinued subscription tier called Personal (which has no access to the new features). Evernote’s seniority in the field allowing the best platform integration, especially on its superb browser plugin, which allows different kinds of bookmarking.

Writing Experience: 👍️👍️👍️👍️

Collecting Inspirations: 👍️👍️👍️👍️

Cross Platform Experience: 👍️👍️

Inter-notes Discoverability: 👍️

Community & Extension Support:👍️

Knowledge Base: Obsidian. I love the openess and community support of Obsidian. Comparing to Roam Research, Obsidian is totally free even setting up sync is possible (Check out my tutorial). Originally I treated Obisdian as an replacement for Evernote, but the philosophy and file structure strongly against me to do so. I'm trying to restart a note database in Obsidian and only to put my thinking progress, learnings & decisions there. Bookmarks left

Writing Experience: 👍️👍️

Collecting Inspirations: 👍️

Cross Platform Experience: 👍️👍️👍️

Inter-notes Discoverability: 👍️👍️👍️👍️👍️

Community & Extension Support:👍️👍️👍️👍️👍️


Writing: Craft

Last Updated
February 11, 2022

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